Monday, July 31, 2017

Am I a Candidate for Dental Implants?

Whether you’ve experienced trauma that knocked out a tooth or require extraction due to extensive decay, missing teeth can be detrimental to your oral health and aesthetic. While bridges, dentures, and partials are effective replacement measures, they are not permanent. However, restorations supported by dental implants are a reliable, long-lasting solution to tooth loss.

This innovative treatment is permanent and allows you to have brand new teeth that last. At Lake Dental Clinic, we provide dental implant treatment for patients who need to smile with confidence again.

However, becoming a candidate for dental implant placement requires particular oral health standards. Here are some guidelines on becoming a candidate for dental implants.

Missing Teeth

In order to receive dental implant placement, patients must have missing teeth or be scheduled for tooth extraction. Dental implants can be placed during the same appointment as extraction, making treatment that much quicker.

Healthy Gums 

Periodontal disease is usually the main culprit behind tooth loss, but if the infection has yet to be treated, dental implant placement must be delayed. Advanced periodontitis is categorized by receding gum lines and loosened teeth due to the infection’s impact on the jaw bone. Healthy gums and jaw bones are essential to supporting dental implants, although the treatment can enforce renewed strength.

Periodontal treatments such as a root scaling and planing and gingivectomies remove the infection from deep pockets and infected tissue to restore gum health, preventing the spread of bacteria to the rest of the body.

Adequate Jaw Bone 

If you’ve been missing teeth for a while, your jaw bone density may have reduced. As there are no tooth roots to support the bone, it will slowly recede, resulting in a prematurely aged facial aesthetic. It’s important to consider dental implants sooner rather than later, as the implants will be better supported with more jaw bone left.

Patients considering dental implants but have less than adequate jaw bone should consider grafting procedures. Bone grafts create this solid base by incorporating bone tissue from another part of your body. This will then prompt bone growth, creating enough density to support a dental implant.

At Lake Dental Clinic in Camdenton, we provide dental implant and grafting treatments needed for a permanent replacement for your missing teeth. For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact our practice today.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Do I Need TMJ Therapy?

Do you find yourself with pain in your jaw when eating or yawning? If so, you may have temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. With so many factors that play a part in TMJ problems, it’s important to see an experienced professional to properly diagnose the dysfunction and provide a treatment plan to combat associated pain. At Lake Dental Clinic, our dentists provide the treatment you need to relieve your pain and effectively treat day-to-day jaw joint pain.

What is TMJ Disorder?

TMJ disorder (TMD) is characterized by severe pain associated with dysfunction of the muscles and tissues that connect the jaw to the skull and facilitate movement. This joint interacts with parts of bones that are covered with cartilage and is separated by a small shock-absorbing disk. The condition can be caused by genetic predispositions to trauma or stress. If you happen to have a misaligned bite, this may also trigger TMD.

Signs and symptoms of TMD include:

- Severe pain and discomfort in the jaw
- Tenderness in the face, jaw joint, neck, and shoulders
- Discomfort or difficulty chewing and speaking
- Locked jaw, making it difficult to close or open your mouth
- Clicking sounds or a grating sensation when opening your mouth. 

Bite placement is a significant part in TMD diagnosis. Signs of bruxism, or consistent grinding of teeth, or a misaligned bite that relates to the erosion of teeth, are contributors to TMD as well.

Diagnosing TMJ Problems

Our dentist completes an in-depth dental examination and reviews your medical history. An X-ray, MRI, or CT scan may be necessary to see the structures of your jaw and determine the severity of the dysfunction. For severe cases, a TMJ Arthroscopy may be suggested to properly view the joint area. This minimally invasive surgery is completed by an oral surgeon, who will insert a thin tube into the joint space, following with a small camera to view and inspect the area. It can also be used to inject anti-inflammatory medicine, re-position the disk, and tighten the joint to limit movement.
You may have TMD due to a number of factors such as, rheumatoid arthritis, the erosion of the shock-absorbing disk, or trauma to the jaw.

No matter which method of diagnosis, it’s important to actively seek ways to alleviate pain until you can visit an experienced doctor or dentist for a proper treatment plan.

Treatments for TMD 

Treatments for jaw joint problems range from at-home treatments, such as simple jaw stretches used in conjunction with a heat or ice pack. Changing your diet by adding softer foods can make it easier for you to chew. If you find yourself with slight pain, take recommended amount of ibuprofen or naproxen.

Stabilization splints or bite guards can also be used to stabilize the jaw and prevent grinding or clenching the teeth. By pulling the law jaw forward, these appliances relieve jaw pain, tension, and tightness, allowing muscles to relax. Our dentists can have these fabricated and customized to your jaw as part of your TMD treatment plan.

If you’ve experienced jaw pain or clicking and popping jaw joints, contact Lake Dental Clinic today for a professional diagnosis. We provide TMD treatment and create stabilization splints to relieve painful symptoms of TMD. Contact us today for a consultation!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Tuesday tips

Tuesday tips: Good oral hygiene and proper oral health habits can often prevent the kinds of tooth decay that can severely damage the inner structure of your tooth. Without proper oral hygiene, food and particles can become trapped between your teeth and underneath your gum line. The particles form plaque, which can cause tooth decay and gum disease. Here are a few tips that can help prevent tooth damage and decay: a) Brush and floss daily b) Routine dental visits and cleanings c) Proper nutrition and a healthy diet - avoid consuming too many sweets or foods high in acidity d) Reduce stress and get plenty of sleep

Friday, May 19, 2017

First Impressions: The Importance of First Visits to the Dentist

It’s essential to provide preventive care to support the natural smile, and this type of care is imperative when it comes to the oral health of your children. Establishing good oral hygiene early in life can help them avoid difficulties in later years, such as cavities and gum disease. At Lake Dental Clinic, we believe not only in prevention, but also in the importance of establishing a good first impression with children so that oral hygiene becomes a lifelong priority.

The First Visit

First impressions can have lasting effects and help shape one’s expectations, which is why a first dental appointment is crucial to establishing good habits and prioritizing oral health throughout life. Some parents put off taking their child to the dentist, but it’s important to know that cavities can form in the teeth of children as young as two. Since bacteria develops in a child’s mouth alongside new teeth, most pediatricians recommend setting up an appointment before your child’s first birthday. The earlier your child begins seeing the dentist, the more likely they’ll be comfortable sitting in that dentist’s chair later in life.

The Appointment: How to Prepare, and What to Expect

There are various way to prepare yourself and your child for their first visit to a dentist. If the first appointment goes smoothly, subsequent visits can go just as easily, if not more so. Some tips for the first visit include:
• Bring your child’s favorite toy to the appointment, so that they feel safe and have a healthy distraction
• If possible, complete the required paperwork before the first visit, so that time in the waiting room can be cut down
• Maintain a positive attitude yourself, so that you can help shape your child’s expectations of the appointment
• Treats are a good idea, but should be saved for after the appointment; this will make the cleaning easier 
During the appointment itself that positive attitude will come in handy, since children generally tend to conduct themselves based on the behavior of their parents. Be encouraging! Your child can learn to look forward to a dental appointment and therefore prevent negative feelings that are sometimes associated with such visits.

Schedule an appointment today!

At Lake Dental Clinic we look forward to treating clients both new and old, regardless of age. We hope to establish long-lasting relationships that will ensure your child’s oral and overall health. Call today to make an appointment, and let us prove that prevention is essential to your child’s well-being.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Radiation Risks? The Truth about Dental X-Rays

Often, a family trip to the dentist will feature the use of an x-ray camera. The dental hygienists will cover you or your children with a heavy apron and make you chomp on some bitewings, while the camera moves and clicks around you. Of course, the images produced by the x-rays have a purpose: cavities, jawbone degradation, and other oral health issues are made easily visible, allowing the dentist to address these issues directly. However, x-rays are a form of radiation, and some people are concerned with that exposing someone to dental x-rays will cause cancer. These concerns are especially strong for parents taking their children to the dentist. 

X-rays are a type of ionizing radiation, and ionizing radiation has been shown to cause cancer. Ionizing radiation, upon passing through the body, strip electrons from the atoms this energy passes. The resulting protons, known as free radicals, then can damage the cells of the body. While these cells return to normal most of the time, on rare occasions the cells will heal with some abnormalities. These abnormal cells, consequently, can grow into cancer. From this alone, people believe that dental x-rays will cause cancer. 

However, you’re always exposed to ionizing radiation. On average, your body is exposed to 3.1 millisieverts (mSv) of natural radiation alone per year. At .005 mSv, the radiation you receive from the aforementioned dental x-ray is less than 1.6% of your daily background radiation exposure. You are exposed to the same level of radiation just from sunlight each day. Additionally, each x-ray is an individual dose rather than constant exposure, which is another factor in the cancer risks of radiation exposure. X-rays only increase the odds of dying of cancer by 1 in 2,000; compare this to the natural 1 in 5 chance you have of dying of cancer. 

Moreover, there are precautions in place for younger patients to help minimize their exposure. Technically, children do have a higher risk of developing cancer from radiation than adults, so dentists make up for it with stricter safety measures. Lead aprons are almost ubiquitous, but many doctors will also reduce the amount of radiation emitted by the camera when taking x-ray images of pediatric patients. The same precautions can be given to pregnant women, as fetuses are assumed to be just as vulnerable as children. Your children could be receiving special considerations regarding radiation exposure risks already. 

Ultimately, the benefits of detecting an oral health issue as early as possible far outweighs the negligible cancer risk. Not only are healthy teeth and gums alone something worth keeping, but many recent studies have shown connections between oral health and overall bodily health as well. Being able to detect and address these issues is paramount to your health and your children’s health. So, the next time your dentist readies the bitewings and camera, don’t be afraid. The benefits are high, the risk is low, and the dentist is likely being extra careful with your children anyways.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Great Holiday Foods for Your Teeth

When you hear jingles in the stores and see decorations on your neighbor’s house, you know that the holiday season has arrived. Among other traditions, you can also expect food to play a big part during the holiday, whether it’s snacks for a party or a family dinner. Unfortunately, a lot of traditional holiday foods can be harmful to your teeth, from sticky candy canes to alcoholic eggnog. Thankfully, there are also lots of seasonal dishes and treats that can keep your smile as healthy as ever. 

You probably already have a sizable list of foods you know to be bad for your teeth: soda, coffee, and candy. However, what about the crackers you set out as hors d’oeuvres? Even without extra-sweet ingredients added in, bread and related snacks are full of carbohydrates – that is, sugar – and their crumbly, dissolvable nature means that these bacteria-feeding carbs get stuck to your teeth. Alcohol, not counting the sugar it is often made of or mixed with, will dry out your mouth; dry mouths are the perfect environment for bacteria. Even the cough drops you take for colds and the flu not only have sugar in them, but also expose you to that sugar over a long period of time. Cough syrup, despite having similar amounts of sugar in it, is quickly swallowed and doesn’t expose the teeth to that sugar too long. Simply put, too many holiday edibles encourage the decay of your teeth. 

Not to worry! Lots of holiday foods diminish, if not reverse, the damage other foods can do. Two common party snacks, for example, are meat and cheese. The calcium and proteins provided by meat and cheese can actually strengthen your teeth and gums. Nuts, like meat, also provide your mouth with a burst of protein and saliva production that help defend your teeth from bacterial build-up. Instead of sweetened cranberry sauce in your dishes, try using fresh cranberries; they can interrupt the bonding process of the decadent bacteria. Though dried fruit is a bad idea, crunchy fruit and raw vegetables can help scrub plaque off of your teeth. 

The holidays and their traditions are fast approaching. If you eat too much of the wrong kinds of traditional foods, or you find yourself chewing on that food for a long period of time, your teeth can suffer. However, holiday tradition have also given us a lot of food to protect and strengthen our teeth as well. So, when planning out the next holiday party or dinner, keep these foods in mind. They may just save your smile.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

What is Periodontal Disease?

What it is
Periodontal disease, known as gum disease or periodontitis, is one of the most common causes of tooth loss. In the United States, it is estimated that half of Americans aged 30 or older have advanced gum disease. While highly prevalent, this dental condition is preventable with a good oral health regimen.

Periodontal disease symptoms become apparent as bacteria and debris accumulate around teeth and below the gum line and hardens into tartar. If not removed by a professional, tartar and bacteria can cause inflammation of the gums and weakening of teeth.

There are variables that can increase your risk of periodontitis that range from genetic predisposition and underlying health conditions, to certain lifestyle habits. Diet, taking certain medications, decreased immunity, and hormonal changes can also increase your chances of developing gum disease.

Periodontitis begins with the onset of gingivitis. In this early stage, bacteria builds up, irritating the surrounding gums. As bacteria accumulate and plaque builds and hardens into tartar, there is a weakening of bone and connective tissue that keeps teeth in their sockets. As bacteria spreads, pockets that trap further bacteria begin to form around teeth and under soft tissue. In patients with advanced periodontal disease, teeth become loose and fall out.

One of the most difficult aspects of spotting periodontal disease without help from a dentist is that the condition can progress slowly in patients and may not always produce obvious signs. Patients may notice:
- Gum tenderness
- Gum recession
- Bad breath or bad taste in your mouth
- Loose teeth or a change in teeth alignment

Diagnosis of gum disease typically involves visiting a dentist for a visual examination of your oral condition, as well as charting pocket depths and using X-Rays to check bone loss in areas with deeper periodontal pockets.

Early diagnosis gives patients the greatest chance of reversing damage with nonsurgical treatments. These procedures include root scaling and planing, which removes tartar and bacteria from surfaces of teeth and beneath the gums and smooths root surfaces,. Antibiotics that are either taken orally or topically as a rinse, can also be used to reduce bacteria and inflammation.

For patients with advanced periodontitis, dental surgery may be the most effective option to reduce pocket size and restore the healthy appearance and supportive structure of soft tissue.

Periodontal disease is preventable by practicing consistent and good oral hygiene. As a rule of thumb, you should be taking between 3-5 minutes twice day to care for your teeth and gums by flossing first to loosen any food particles and bacteria, and brushing to clean all surfaces of teeth. You should also visit your dentist twice a year for thorough teeth cleanings. Patients displaying early signs of gum disease may require more frequent dental visits throughout the year.

If are exhibiting signs and symptoms of gum disease, you should contact your dentist as soon as possible. The sooner you can receive treatment, the more likely you will be able to reverse any damage caused by periodontal disease.